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PhD supervisor
Master Supervisor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Yang LiLi
Date:2018-06-13  View:
Title: Associate Professor
Address:School of Finance and Economics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, P. R. China

【Research Field & Interest】
1.International Trade Theory and Practice
2.Transnational management & cross-cultural exchange
3.Internationalization of Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises
【Educational Background】
1.09/1995~07/1999: Study of Industrial Foreign Trade at the University of Science & Technology(The predecessor of Jiangsu University)
2.09/1999~07/2002: Graduate study of Management Science & Engineering at Jiangsu University
Academic Degree: Master of Management Science and Engineer
3.09/2004~12/2010: Doctoral Study of Management Science & Engineering at Jiangsu University
Academic Degree: Doctor of Management Science and Engineer
3.03/2014~Present: Post-Doctoral Study of Theoretical Economics  at Tianjin Nankai University

【Teaching Courses】
1.Import and Export Trade Practice;
2.International Trade Theory and Practice (Bilingual)
3.International Business Planning
4.Interantioinal Business Communication

1. “ Internationalizing Dynamic Capabilities, International Expansion Strategy and Firm Performance——An Empirical Study on Jiangsu Manufacturing Enterprises” in International Business(Journal of UIBE),6, 2015.
2. “On Building Dimensions and Performance Influencing Mechanism of Enterprises’ Internationalizing Dynamic Capability: A Conceptual Model” in Journal of Southeast University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 11, 2014.
3.“Relation between Internationalization and Firm Performance: Taking Jiangsu Manufacturing Enterprises for Example” in Science and Technology Management Research, 1, 2011.
4.“Internationalization and Firm Performance from the Perspective of Resource-based View:Evidence from Jiangsu Manufacturing Enterprises” in Science of Science and Management of S & T, 12, 2010.
5.“A review on empirical research of the relationship between Degree of internationalization and firm performance” in Foreign Economics and Management, 31(4) , 2009.
6.“On the Strategies Jiangsu Enterprises’ Overseas Investment” in International Cooperation, (4), 2007, 56-60
7.“Research on the Present Condition, Problems and Strategies of the Investment Abroad by Jiangsu Enterprises ”in Modem Economic Research, (3), 2007, 51-53

【Research Project】
1. Be in charge of China Post Doctoral Science Fund Project “Research on China’s outward FDI and local industry upgrading: from the perspective of Global Value Chain” (Project Number: 2014M561170)
2. Be in charge of the Philosophical and Social Science Project  “Degree of Internationalization and firm performance: from the perspective of Organizational Capability” funded by the Provincial Education Department of Jiangsu (Project Number:2012JB630012)
【Honors and Awards】
1. Outstanding Individuals in international work of Jiangsu University, 2014
2. The first prize in Jiangsu university’s First English Teaching Contest, 2013.

【Academic Activities】
1.Make a Presentation on “Global leadership competencies vs. Global management competencies: Perspectives from Chinese Enterprises” at 3rd dialogin Conference organized by European Delta intercultural Academy, 2012

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