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PhD supervisor
Master Supervisor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Ding XuHui
Date:2020-07-21  View:

Basic Information

Ding Xuhui, PH.D, Post-Doctorate, Associate Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor. I obtained the bachelor degree in economics from Lanzhou University in 2010, and also got the doctorate in economics from Lanzhou University in 2015. I worked at Hohai University from 2015 to 2019, and work in the Institute of Industrial Economics of Jiangsu University now.

Email :dingxh@ujs.edu.cn

Main Courses

Econometrics, Macroeconomics, Game Theory, Data Statistics and Analysis, etc.

Research Areas

1. Environmental regulation and regional development

2. Water resources management

3. Industrial agglomeration and technological innovation


1. The Second Prize of Outstanding Academic Papers of the 13th Jiangsu Social Science Association Annual Conference in 2019     2019.11     Ranked first

2. The First Prize of Outstanding Academic Papers of the 12th Jiangsu Social Science Association Annual Conference in 2018     2018.11     Ranked first

3. The First Prize of Outstanding Academic Papers of the 11th Jiangsu Social Science Association Annual Conference in 2017     2017.11     Ranked first

4. The Second Prize of Excellent Papers of China Water Resources Efficient Utilization and Water Saving Technology Forum in 2019   2019.12     Ranked first

5. The Second Prize of Excellent Papers of China Water Resources Efficient Utilization and Water Saving Technology Forum in 2018   2018.12     Ranked first

6. The Third Prize of the Youth Group of the 25th Teachers Lecture Competition of Hohai University in 2018     2019.3

7. The Second Prize of Outstanding Achievements of Excellent Research in Applied Research of Social Science of Jiangsu Social Science Association in 2017     2018.12   Ranked second

8. The Third Prize of National Commercial Technology Progress Award of China Business Federation in 2016    2016.12     Ranked first

9. The Outstanding Instructor of the 2016 Undergraduate Graduation Thesis of Hohai University in 2016    2016.6

10. The Outstanding Graduate Student of Lanzhou University in 2015, National Scholarship for Doctoral Candidates of Lanzhou University in 2014

Research Projects

1. The 2018th Jiangsu Social Science Fund Youth Project, Research on the Synergetic Mechanism and Policy Tool Selection of the Integral Governance of the Water Environment of the Yangtze River Urban Agglomeration under the River System, 18GLC002, Project Leader.

2. The Second-class Grant of the 62th China Postdoctoral Science Fund in 2017, Research on Innovation Mechanism of Water Environment Collaborative Governance of Yangtze River Urban Agglomeration under River Changer System, 2017M621622, Project Leader.

3. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in 2018, Research on Spatial Spillover Effect and Inter-government Cooperation Mechanism of Water Environment Management in Yangtze River Economic Belt, 2018B23614, Project Leader.

4. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in 2015, Research on Efficiency of Regional Technical Innovation Based on Water Saving Economy, 2015B30714, Project Leader.

5. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in 2013, The exploration study of poverty alleviation in mountain areas with frequent geological disaster, 13LZUJBWYJ022, Project Leader.

6. The Youth Project of National Social Science Fund in 2016, Research on the Development Pattern and Path of Urbanization in the Western Region Based on the Special Industrial Cluster, 16CJY018, Participated and ranked third.

7. The General Project of National Social Science Fund in 2013, “Research on the Strategic Adjustment, Gravity Clustering and Governance of Chinese Enterprises' Overseas Investment in Africa with the Perspective of Space Economy, 13BJL047, Participated and ranked third.

8. The Youth Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Fund of Ministry of Education in 2017, Research on Kuznets Curve Prediction and Spatial Difference Driving Effect under Double Control Action, 17YJC790194, Participated and ranked second.

9. The Youth Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2016, The Mechanism Analysis and Effect Measurement of the Land Allocation Structure Imbalance of Local Governments——Based on the Investigation of Real Estate Market Differentiation and Industrial Enterprise TFP, 71603071, Participated and ranked third.

10. The Soft Science Project of Jiangsu Science and Technology Program in 2018, Research on Water Environment Treatment Path of Jianghuai Ecological Corridor Supported by Science and Technology, BR2018010, Participated and ranked fourth.

11. The Major Projects of Philosophy and Social Science Research of Jiangsu Universities in 2019, Research on the Construction of Financial Support System for the Transformation and Upgrading of Private Manufacturing in Jiangsu Province, 2019SJZDA053, Participated and ranked second.

Main Works

1. Ding Xuhui (the first author). A Study on the Driving Factors and Spatial Spillover of Carbon Emission Intensity in the Yangtze River Economic Belt under Double Control Action [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, SSCI, 2019.

2. Ding Xuhui (the first author). The Threshold Effect of Environmental Regulation, FDI Agglomeration and Water Use Efficiency under "Double Control Actions"——An Empirical Test Based on Yangtze River Economic Belt [J]. Water, SSCI, 2019.

3. Ding Xuhui (the first author).Study on Urbanization Level, Urban Primacy and Industrial Water Utilization Efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt [J]. Sustainability, SSCI, 2019.

4. Ding Xuhui (the first author). Study on the spatial spillover effect of environmental regulation, FDI agglomeration and water utilization efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt [J].China Population Resources and Environment, CSSCI, 2019.

5. Ding Xuhui (the first author) . Inter-provincial Water Resources Utilization Efficiency and Its Driving Factors Considering Undesirable Outputs: Based on SE-SBM and Tobit Model[J].China Population Resources and Environment, CSSCI, 2018.

6. Ding Xuhui (the first author) . Spatial Econometric Analysis of Influencing Factors of Tourism Economic Growth in Ethnic Areas [J]. Statistics and Decision, CSSCI, 2015.

7. Ding Xuhui (the first author). Study on Economic Growth of Inbound Tourism in the "Silk Road Economic Belt" [J]. Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), CSSCI, 2015.

8. Ding Xuhui (the first author). Study on the Spatial Pattern and Coupling between the Population and Economy of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau[J].Journal of Tibet University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), CSSCI, 2014.

9. Ding Xuhui (the first author ). Study on International Gold Price Fluctuation Characteristics and Risk Prevention——An Empirical Analysis Based on GARCH Family Model[J]. Price Theory & Practice, CSSCI, 2014.

10. Ding Xuhui. Study on High-tech Industry Cluster and Regional Technology Innovation Efficiency [M]. China University of Mining and Technology Press, 2016.

11. Ding Xuhui (the second author). An Evaluation Research on Logistics Capability of Five Northwest Provinces Based by Fuzzy Matter Element Method [J]. Xinjiang Social Sciences, CSSCI, 2014.

12. Ding Xuhui (the second author). A Study on the Anti-poverty Model of Ecologically Fragile Regions in the Western China——Taking Zhouqu County of Gannan Prefecture as an Example [J]. Journal of Tibet University (Social Science Edition), CSSCI, 2013.

13. Ding Xuhui (the second author). The Space Development Strategy of Lianyungang and Silk Road Economic Belt [J].Gansu Social Sciences, CSSCI, 2015.

14. Ding Xuhui (the second author). Thoughts on the Strategy of Making the Gansu Golden Part of the New Silk Road Economy Development Zone [J]. Qinghai Journal of Ethnology, CSSCI, 2015.

15. Ding Xuhui (the associate Editor). The Operation and Management of Multinational Corporations [M]. Tsinghua University Press, 2018.

16. Ding Xuhui (the first author) .The Threshold Effect of Environmental Regulation on Regional Carbon Emission Performance under Dual Control Action[J].East China Economic Management, CSSCI Extended Edition, 2019.

17. Ding Xuhui (the first author). Spatial-temporal Differentiation and Driving Factors of Regional Innovation System Efficiency——From the Perspective of Water Ecological Security [J]. East China Economic Management, CSSCI Extended Edition, 2019.

18. Ding Xuhui (the first author). The Innovation System Efficiency of Regional Agriculture and the Driving Factors Considering Eco-environmental Effects under Rural Revitalization Strategy [J]. Science and Technology Management Research, CSSCI Extended Edition, 2018.

19. Ding Xuhui (the first author) . Research on the Linkage Effect of International Oil Price and RMB Exchange Rate——An Empirical Analysis Based on VAR Model[J].Price Theory & Practice, CSSCI Extended Edition, 2017.

20. Ding Xuhui (the first author) .The Linkage Effect of International Oil Price and my country's Stock Market——An Empirical Analysis Based on VAR Model[J]. Enterprise Economy, CSSCI Extended Edition, 2017.

21. Ding Xuhui (the second author, corresponding author). A Review of Power Structure Governance and Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Rural Eco-Tourism[J].Nouthwest Population Journal, CSSCI Extended Edition, 2018.

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Address:NO.301 Xuefu Road,zhenjiang city,Jiangsu Province TEL:0511-88792188 ZIP:212013 E-mail:cjxy@ujs.edu.cn