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Financial and Economic Young Scholars Forum: Latest Research Progress and Challenges in Innovation Economics
Date:2018-03-28  View:

    At 2:00 pm on March 27, the Financial and Young Scholars Forum was successfully held in the 1309 meeting room of Sanjiang Building. The forum was hosted by Prof. Yao Hongxing, Associate Dean. Dr. Shi Junguo, a young teacher of our school, was invited to exchange and discuss the topic of “The Latest Research Progress and Challenges of Innovation Economics”.
    Dr. Shi Junguo has been conducting academic research in the field of innovative economics for seven years. He has presided over the Royal Netherlands Humanities, Arts and Sciences – China Ministry of Education International Cooperation Project. With the support of the project, he conducted an academic visit at the Eindhoven University of Technology which is a research center for innovative economics.He also studied under the famous scholars Bert Sadowski. and Professor Önder Nomaler. Dr. Shi Junguo introduced the origins of innovation economics, major scholars ,academic contributions, core journals and the latest innovation economics by taking the Eindhoven Center for Innovation Research (ECIS) as an example. The research progress and challenges were reported on the development of ICTs and their impacts, environmental innovation, innovative economic geography, technology investment strategies of developed economies in developed countries, technology main path analysis and China's innovation and entrepreneurship practices, all of which are the main research trends in the field of learning. Dr. Shi Junguo combined the personal research experience and international cooperation experience to analyze the possible challenges of the above research.
    Finally, Professor Hu Xuhua, dean of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the School of Finance and Economics, commented that the forum further deepened the grasp of the frontiers and research challenges of innovation economics, and further promoted cooperation between our teachers and international first-class institutions and scholars. It also has played an important role in promoting and providing a lot of valuable experience for teachers and students of our school to write and publish high-level SSCI papers.

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