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Liu zhu, associate professor of Tsinghua University, gave an academic lecture in SFE
Date:2019-07-07  View:

On July 5, 2019, Liu zhu, associate professor of Tsinghua University, held a special academic lecture entitled "environmental impact of international trade" in the conference room of the school of finance and economics. The lecture was hosted by professor Kong yusheng, dean of school of finance and economics, Jiangsu University. Teachers and students from the school of finance and economics, the school of management and the school of science listened to the lecture and had a warm exchange with associate professor Liu zhu.

In the lecture, associate professor Liu zhu pointed out that the environmental impact of international trade involves resources, technology, market, trade and investment, and requires interdisciplinary research. For example, the flow of carbon footprint between countries requires the integration of ecology and economics. Through interdisciplinary research, we can further expand the research field of energy and promote the cross-disciplinary research.

Liu zhu is an associate professor and doctoral director of Tsinghua University, a member of the national thousand talent program, a Giorgio Ruffolo fellow at Harvard University, a research fellow at Caltech and NASA's jet propulsion laboratory (JPL), a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and Caltech, and a doctor of science at the Chinese academy of sciences. His research interests include global change ecology, global carbon balance and quantitative research on regional sustainable development. More than 10 papers were published in Nature, many of which were selected as ESI highly cited papers.

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